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ENGYS Hosts CFD Meetup in São Paulo

28 November 2024


ENGYS CFD MeetUp São Paulo

Pullman Ibirapuera Hotel, São Paulo


Highlights from the ENGYS UGM 2024 at Brooklands Museum

Screenshot of ELEMENTS v3.5.0 software showing the ride height adjustment tool with vehicle geometry visualization.


ELEMENTS v3.5.0 Release Highlights

WEBINAR ON DEMAND Main Topic of Discussion ELEMENTS v3.5.0 is the latest version of our dedicated CFD software suit for...

ENGYS logo featuring a stylized, interlocking hexagonal shape in dark red against a black background.


HELYX® v3.5.0 Release Highlights

WEBINAR ON DEMAND May 31, 2022 @ 10:00 AM (CDT) – 30 minutes Topic of Discussion HELYX v3.5.0 is a...

ENGYS logo featuring a stylized, interlocking hexagonal shape in dark red against a black background.


HELYX and ELEMENTS v3.3.0 Release Highlights

WEBINAR ON DEMAND HELYX and ELEMENTS v3.3.0 Release Highlights September 24, 2020 @ 10:00 AM (CST) 30 minutes Overview HELYX...


Machine Learning in CFD: Revolutionizing Automotive Design Processes

Machine Learning is revolutionizing automotive design by enhancing aerodynamics, a critical factor in EV range. AI-driven CFD processes streamline vehicle...
CFD simulation showing airflow around a fan blade using HELYX open-source software


ENGYS CFD MeetUp São Paulo

EVENTO GRATUITO ENGYS CFD MeetUpSão Paulo Venha descobrir como os profissionais da indústria estão potencializando os benefícios de simulações CFD...


Final Agenda for ENGYS UGM 2024 Now Available 

CFD simulation visualizing complex boundary motion with a detailed view of a valve mechanism using Generalized Internal Boundaries.


Simulating Complex Boundary Motion with Generalized Internal Boundaries (GIB)

WEBINAR ON DEMAND Simulating Complex Boundary Motion with Generalized Internal Boundaries (GIB) This webinar presents an overview of GIB technology...

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