The fastest coupled solver in the CFD market.
The coupled solver technology in HELYX has been extensively tested and validated to simulate a wide range devices, with significant improvements in convergence speed and stability.
Seven out of ten Formula 1 teams use HELYX.
All of them use HELYX-Coupled.
Accelerating convergence from subsonic to supersonic flow regimes.
Pressure-based solver
Pressure-velocity coupling algorithm, perfect for flow regimes below Mach 1.5, such as pumps, axial fans, or external aerodynamics.
Density-based solver
Density-velocity-energy coupling algorithm, covering a wide range of applications in the subsonic, transonic and supersonic regimes.
Better performance.
Better stability. The fastest in the market.
Frequently Asked Questions about HELYX-Coupled.
Do both pressure- and density-based solvers support all segregated solver features?
The pressure-based solver is compatible with most of the physics modules available in HELYX, such as steady-state and transient flows, RANS, uRANS, DES, and LES turbulence models, heat transfer, motion sources, multiple reference frames (MRF), generalized reference frames (GRF), porous media, momentum sources, dynamic mesh motion, etc.
The density-based solver, on the other hand, is not compatible with multiple and generalized reference frames (MRF and GRF), porous media, momentum sources, and the dynamic mesh motion libraries are currently only available through HELYX-Core (no GUI interface).
Are there any specific mesh requirements for HELYX-Coupled?
In general, meshing requirements for the coupled solver are no different from those used for the segregated solver. However, it should be noted that the coupled solver tends to be more permissive with poor quality grids and large aspect ratio cells than the equivalent segregated states. This does not mean that good meshes are not preferred, but simply that greater robustness can be expected when using the coupled approach.
How much faster is HELYX-Coupled in comparison to the standard segregated solver?
The convergence speed-up varies by case. Based on our validation tests and customer feedback, we have observed speed improvements ranging from 2 to 10 times.
Karpouzas, G.K. A Hybrid Method for Shape And Topology Optimization in Fluid Mechanics. Engys Ltd. s.l. : NTUA, 2018.
Darwish, M, Sraj, I and Moukalled, F. A coupled finite volume solver for the solution of incompressible flows on unstructured grids. Journal of Computational Physics. 2009.
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa (CSIR). High Speed Aerodynamic (HiSA) Solver. GitLab Project Page. [Online] https://hisa.gitlab.io/.
Heyns, J.A., Oxtoby, O.F. and Steenkamp, A. Modelling High-speed Flow Using a Matrix-free Coupled Solver. 9th OpenFOAM Workshop. 2014.
Book a discovery meeting to learn more about HELYX-Coupled.
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