Simulating complex boundary motion can be crucial when evaluating product performance, and in some cases extremely challenging to perform. Rigid body simulations with large transformations render mesh morphing approaches virtually useless due to the need for continuous smoothing and re-meshing to maintain acceptable cell quality and prevent divergence. Ultimately, engineers are forced to alter their simulation strategy to fit within the constraints of the simulation tools. CFD Engineers can simulate rigid body motion with large transformations by leveraging Generalized Internal Boundaries (GIB) within HELYX. This webinar will
- Provide attendees an overview of GIB technology and how it applies to large scale motion within CFD Simulations. Figure 1 below shows a large-scale motion of a life raft deployed from an oil platform, modelled with GIB and a VOF multiphase model. This is not easily achieved with traditional mesh motion methods.
- Introduce several application areas including dynamic valve motion, dynamic spillway modelling, and even complex fuel sloshing dynamics.
- Provide a sense of how to setup cases within HELYX GUI and make this technology accessible to HELYX users more easily
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Generalized Internal Boundaries (GIB) are
- Generalized and will work with any solver / boundary condition
- Compatible with almost all field operations
- Minimal performance impact
- Robust & accurate
Overall, GIB seeks to provide users with the capability to capture large scale motion within their simulations with ease and stability. This new technology is fast developing and benefits greatly by user feedback on applications.
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