ENGYS releases HELYX v3.3.1 – Open-source CFD for Enterprise

ENGYS is delighted to announce the release v3.3.1 of HELYX, a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software solution for engineering design and optimisation based on ENGYS’ own open-source simulation engine (HELYX-Core). The new release also includes updates for all of HELYX’s add-on solver modules, namely: Adjoint, Coupled, Marine and Hydro. HELYX 3.3.1 offers a wide […]

PUR Foaming Simulation with HELYX

Polyurethane or short PUR or even shorter PU is impossible to avoid in our modern life. Since its discovery in the late 1930’s in Leverkusen it has been used for countless purposes. In its foamed-up form it is insulating our houses and refrigerators, it lets us sleep soft and comfortable at night and is used […]

Wind Squall CFD Simulation with HELYX

helyx wind simulation

In central Europe, in the height of summer, especially in the evening of hot days, it is not uncommon to experience heavy thunderstorms. During one such event in summer 2019, I witnessed, what looked like, a dust devil forming for a few moments, which then also ripped off the larger part of the roof of […]

Saving Energy and Reducing Faucet Pressure Losses with Continuous Adjoint Optimization

pressure plots within a DOCOL valve

In the United States alone, individuals use an average of 88 gallons of water a day within their home [1].  Delivering that tremendous quantity of water involves a complex system of valves, pumps, and piping systems, each with their own engineer problems to solve. Conservation of potable water and reduction in energy usage to deliver […]

ENGYS releases HELYX v3.3.0 – Open-source CFD for Enterprise

ENGYS is delighted to announce the release v3.3.0 of HELYX, a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software solution for engineering design and optimisation based on ENGYS’ own open-source simulation engine (HELYX-Core). The new release also includes updates for all of HELYX’s add-on solver modules, namely: Adjoint, Coupled, Marine and Hydro. HELYX 3.3.0 offers a wide […]

Simulating Complex Boundary Motion with Generalized Internal Boundaries (GIB)

Simulating complex boundary motion can be crucial when evaluating product performance, and in some cases extremely challenging to perform. Rigid body simulations with large transformations render mesh morphing approaches virtually useless due to the need for continuous smoothing and re-meshing to maintain acceptable cell quality and prevent divergence. Ultimately, engineers are forced to alter their […]

Open-Source CFD Solutions for the Marine Industry

Throughout the marine industry, there are many design and optimization challenges. Many of which can be further understood and solved by leveraging CFD simulation effectively. In a webinar, Paolo Geremia discussed ENGYS’ efforts towards enabling the marine industry to perform complex simulation and analysis tasks with HELYX and HELYX Marine Add-On to:

Surface Optimization with Continuous Adjoint

Engineers routinely seek to improve their designs in order to increase a device’s efficiency, reduce energy losses, and increase performance at a new operating point. This is of course when the right driving forces (business or engineering) exist and design improvements are economically feasible. Oftentimes, the methods we use to improve designs rely on the […]

Enhanced Topology Optimization with Multi-Objective Continuous Adjoint

Topology optimization has proven to be an integral tool in the virtual prototyping process within industry. Engineers leveraging next generation optimization methods, such as continuous adjoint, can quickly gain valuable insight needed to enhance their products. Oftentimes, real designs must satisfy multiple objectives e.g. maximizing mass flow while maximizing swirl for an inlet port of […]

Cloud Computing with HELYX and Penguin Computing On-Demand

Companies using simulation in their design process, often utilize a spectrum of computing resources to meet budgetary and uptime requirements, manage security risks, and remain flexible in order to use only as much compute time as needed.  The types of computing paradigms include running on local workstations; local high performance computing (HPC); remote HPC; and […]

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