ENGYS releases HELYX v3.3.0 – Open-source CFD for Enterprise

ENGYS is delighted to announce the release v3.3.0 of HELYX, a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software solution for engineering design and optimisation based on ENGYS’ own open-source simulation engine (HELYX-Core). The new release also includes updates for all of HELYX’s add-on solver modules, namely: Adjoint, Coupled, Marine and Hydro.

HELYX 3.3.0 offers a wide range of extended capabilities and several refinements to remove known issues found in the previous release 3.2.1. Some of the new exciting features added in this version include:

  • Mesh: New Hybrid algorithm with improved near-wall layer mesh generation capabilities.
  • Setup: New interface for Generalised Internal Boundaries (GIB), including support for multiple GIB dynamic mesh motion models.
  • Setup: Improved Thermal Comfort tool with new human thermal comfort metrics based on ANSI-ASHRAE-55:2017, ISO 7730:2005, ISO 7933:2004 and UTCI.
  • View: New Runtime Visualisation option to save images during solution runtime based on an existing View Scene.
  • View: New objects for visualisation and improved usability (e.g. Threshold, etc.).
  • HELYX-Coupled: Extended GUI support for new pressure-based, block-coupled, incompressible flow solver.
  • HELYX-Coupled: Extended GUI support for new density-based, block-coupled, compressible flow solver (subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow regimes).
  • General: New STL reader for faster geometry loading when used in combination with OpenGL rendering back-end on local machines.
  • General: New high-performance OpenGL rendering back-end rendering and refactoring of software parallel rendering.
  • General: New client-server interface for HELYX on-demand HPC services via Cirrus (EPCC).
  • General: New selective case loading. User can decide to load at startup any combination of the following: Surface/Volume Mesh (inc. Zones) and/or Geometry.
  • General: New interface for Slurm batch scheduling system.
  • General: New built-in MPI v4 options for faster solution turnaround times.

Please refer to our HELYX 3.3.0 Release Highlights Video for a description of the main new features and enhancement in this new version.

If you are not a user of HELYX already, check out the HELYX product page to learn more about our software or contact ENGYS for further information and/or scheduling a live demo.

About ENGYS:

ENGYS develops, supports and delivers best-in-class CFD software solutions based around open-source technologies, offering a variety of expert products and services focused on CFD and MDO. The company’s main software products include HELYX, ELEMENTS, HELYX-OS and several specialised add-on modules for adjoint based optimisation and advanced flow simulations. ENGYS operates globally through a network of offices in the UK, Germany, Italy, USA, Australia and South Africa, in addition to local distributors in Japan, South Korea, China, USA and Benelux. ENGYS® and HELYX® are registered trademarks of ENGYS Ltd.

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