Streamline Solutions launches ELEMENTS v3.3.0 for Automotive CFD Design

ENGYS is pleased to announce the new release of ELEMENTS 3.3.0, an open-source based CFD software suite for vehicle design applications produced by Streamline Solutions LLC. This release also includes new versions of the add-on modules ELEMENTS-Adjoint and ELEMENTS-Coupled.

ELEMENTS combines two simulation environments in one package: a dedicated virtual wind tunnel wizard for modelling external vehicle aerodynamics, and a general purpose CFD interface for solving other vehicle design applications (e.g. UHMT, HVAC, in-cabin flows, aeroacoustics, etc). The default methodology and best practices for external vehicle aerodynamics provided with this version of ELEMENTS have been widely tested and validated to conform to the latest regulations on alternative drag prediction methods proposed as part of the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP).

ELEMENTS 3.3.0 offers a wide range of extended capabilities and several refinements to remove known issues found in the previous release 3.2.1. Some of the new exciting features added in this version include:

  • Aero: Added support for fully automated Generalised Reference Frame (GRF) approach for modelling rotating grooved tyres (both in GUI and template files).
  • Aero: Refactoring of report batch execution tool with improved memory handling.
  • Aero: Enhanced report layout, including new table format, improved image quality and document bookmarks.
  • Aero: New drag and lift development charts added to automatic report tool.
  • Mesh: New Hybrid algorithm with improved near-wall layer mesh generation capabilities.
  • Setup: New interface for Generalised Internal Boundaries (GIB), including support for multiple GIB dynamic mesh motion models.
  • Setup: Improved Thermal Comfort tool with new human thermal comfort metrics based on ANSI-ASHRAE-55:2017, ISO 7730:2005, ISO 7933:2004 and UTCI.
  • View: New Runtime Visualisation option to save images during solution runtime based on an existing View Scene.
  • View: New objects for visualisation and improved usability (e.g. Threshold, etc.).
  • ELEMENTS-Coupled: Extended GUI support for new pressure-based, block-coupled, incompressible flow solver.
  • ELEMENTS-Coupled: Extended GUI support for new density-based, block-coupled, compressible flow solver (subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow regimes).
  • General: New STL reader for faster geometry loading when used in combination with OpenGL rendering back-end on local machines.
  • General: New high-performance OpenGL rendering back-end rendering and refactoring of software parallel rendering.
  • General: New selective case loading. User can decide to load at startup any combination of the following: Surface/Volume Mesh (inc. Zones) and/or Geometry.
  • General: New interface for Slurm batch scheduling system. General: New built-in MPI v4 options for faster solution turnaround times.

To learn more about ELEMENTS, please visit our website or contact ENGYS to schedule a demonstration of the software and discover several success stories from automotive OEMs, tier-1 suppliers and motorsport teams who are already benefiting from using our products. You can also join our upcoming webinar: Scalable and Accurate Automotive Simulation with ELEMENTS on 19 November 2020 (10:00am CST). Do not miss this opportunity and register here.

About Streamline Solutions:

Streamline Solutions LLC, a joint venture formed between ENGYS and Auto Research Center, was founded in the USA in early 2012 to serve the vehicle design software market, covering automotive, motorsports, commercial and military applications. The company develops and promotes the software ELEMENTS, a CFD analysis and vehicle design optimisation suite powered by open-source technologies developed by ENGYS. Streamline Solutions combines ENGYS’ leading-edge software development and support, a long and reputable participation in the open-source software business, with ARC’s proven vehicle design expertise and world leading wind tunnel and experimental facilities for validation purposes.

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