HELYX-OS v2.0.0 released by ENGYS. An open-source GUI for OPENFOAM®.

ENGYS is delighted to announce the release v2.0.0 of HELYX-OS, an open-source graphical user interface designed to work with the current version of OPENFOAM v2.2.x. The GUI is free to download from sourceforge and is delivered to the public under the GNU General Public License. To coincide with this software release, the 2-days training course […]

ENGYS releases HELYX® v2.0.0

ENGYS is proud to announce the release v2.0.0 of HELYX®, a comprehensive Computational Fluid Dynamics software solution for engineering design and optimisation based around the open-source library OPENFOAM®. The software combines the best of both worlds: the proven capabilities, support and reliability of commercial tools with the inherent advantages of cost-effective, scalable open-source solutions. HELYX® v2.0.0 […]

ENGYS releases HELYX v1.0.3

ENGYS is delighted to announce the release of HELYX® v1.0.3, consisting of a new maintenance version of HELYX GUI. The new GUI is designed to work with the latest HELYX Kernel based on ENGYS’ own enhanced version of the OPENFOAM® library. HELYX® v1.0.3 represents the last maintenance release of our current GUI platform before the launch of a […]

ENGYS sponsors the 8th annual OPENFOAM® Workshop in Jeju, South Korea

ENGYS was the proud platinum sponsor of the 8th International OPENFOAM® Workshop held in the island Jeju, South Korea, between June 11th and 14th (openfoamworkshop2013.org). This is the first time the Workshop visits the far-east, attracting more than 160 people from both industry and academia in South Korea, Japan, China and other countries in the […]

Engys launches HELYX v1.0.2, a complete CFD Open Source based solution for industry

Engys is delighted to announce the launch of a new version of HELYX® , our most comprehensive Open Source based CFD solution for solving real flow industrial applications. This release consists of both a new maintenance version of HELYX GUI v1.0.2 and our latest HELYX kernel compilation 2.1_engysEdition-2.0, Engys’ own modified version of the OpenFOAM®  library with […]

Engys to sponsor and present at the OPENFOAM® Conference 2013

Engys will be sponsoring the upcoming OPENFOAM® Conference 2013 in Frankfurt, Germany, in anticipation of the 8th OPENFOAM® Workshop to be held later this year in South Korea. Engys will also be presenting an article on CFD and multi-disciplinary optimisation applied to airships design as part of the EU FP7 project MAAT.  We are very much […]

New versions of HELYX® and Helyx-OS are now available

Engys is proud to anounce the release of HELYX® v1.0.1, the first official stable release of our Graphical User Interface delivered as part of our advanced CFD sotware suite based on Open Source technology. This release tackles all the basic stabilities issues encountered in our first Beta Release Candidate. The launch of HELYX® v1.0.1 also coincides with […]

Engys launches Helyx v1.0.0-RC1

Following the launch of Helyx-OS back in June 2012, Engys is delighted to announce the release of HELYX v1.0.0-RC1, a GUI specifically designed to work with Engys own enhanced release of the Open Source software OPENFOAM®. The GUI is delivered as part of our more advanced CFD user support package also called HELYX.  Francisco Campos, […]

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