Urban Physics Modelling With Open-Source CFD

FREE E-BOOK Urban Physics Modelling With Open-Source CFD Explore real-world applications and revolutionary insights on Urban Physics Modelling using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Embark on an insightful journey into the core of urban dynamics through our in-depth e-book, “Urban Physics Modelling with Open-Source CFD.” Within the intricate fabric of urban environments lies a complex interplay of […]

Simulating Conjugate Heat Transfer Multiphysics with HELYX

A 3D simulation of a heat exchanger showing fluid flow and thermal interactions, highlighting Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) modelling using HELYX.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND Learn how to mesh, set up and solve conjugate heat transfer multiphysics problems in HELYX. In real-world flows, we often witness the simultaneous occurrence of momentum and heat transport within and between fluid and solid regions. This webinar introduces you to meshing and simulating conjugate heat transfer problems using the implicit region-coupled solver […]

Intro to Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation

CFD simulation of conjugate heat transfer in a multi-tube heat exchanger using HELYX, displaying fluid flow patterns and temperature distribution.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND Learn to perform conjugate heat transfer simulations with CFD and explore the capabilities of HELYX. Multiple modes of physics including convection, diffusion, radiation, heat transfer resistance, and heat generation must be captured accurately by a conjugate physics model.  Fast, accurate, and stable conjugate heat transfer simulation is crucial for the CFD engineer […]

How Air Curtain CFD with HELYX Helped Develop the AirDoor

Image showing supermarket frontage with blue airflow arrows being deflected by an AirDoor

Whether it is a supermarket, shop or business, the trick to lure in customers is to utilise sights, sounds and smells. This has led to most commercial buildings leaving their main doors open, to appear welcoming and increase footfall.    However, operating this way comes at a cost – either by heating the building in winter […]

Helping Supermarkets Save Energy With Refrigeration Aerodynamics Simulation

Climate change, energy costs and energy security have become increasing concerns over the last decade. This has forced industries to prioritise efficiency, which in turn is driving a demand for reliable simulation tools that help companies understand where their products can save energy.   In 2023, it was estimated that 3.2% of the UK’s total carbon […]

Simulating Conjugate Heat Transfer in CFD

In thermal simulations, most real world cases involve the transfer of heat between different states of matter, such as from solid to liquid. This is known as Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT). Understanding the complex thermal interactions between these states allows us to enhance the thermal performance of electronics, engines, heat exchangers and much more.  However, […]

Simulating Conjugate Heat Transfer Multiphysics With HELYX

In real world flows, we often see combined modes of transport phenomena in which momentum + heat transport occurs simultaneously within and between fluid and solid regions.  Systems that involve thermal energy transport within multiple fluid and/or solid regions, and possess energy exchange at the defined interface of the domains, are often called called conjugate […]

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