HPC-Based Design for Smoke Control in Subway Tunnels

WEBINAR ON-DEMAND Explore how advanced HPC technology revolutionized smoke control in subway tunnels through CFD simulations. In the ever-evolving landscape of urban transportation, safety remains paramount. The AENEAS Project, a joint effort by ENGYS, Tecnosistem and CINECA, sets out to tackle a pressing issue – smoke control in subway tunnels. With a staggering 500 lives lost […]
Smoke Control in Subway Tunnels: Revolutionizing Safety through HPC-Based Engineering Design

Subway tunnel fires have historically posed a significant threat to passenger safety, resulting in numerous fatalities and catastrophic consequences worldwide. According to available data, between 1987 and 2003 alone, over 500 people lost their lives in subway tunnel fires across the globe. In New York City, there were 1,006 subway fires on tracks, in stations […]