Simulation Studies with PYTHON and ELEMENTS

A motorbike CFD simulation showcasing aerodynamic flow analysis, enhanced with Python scripting integration for automated workflows in ELEMENTS.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND In this webinar, we will cover advanced workflow and simulation approaches using PYTHON and ELEMENTS. Process automation with PYTHON can further enhance ELEMENTS as a simulation suite and allow for complex coupling with complementary software. ELEMENTS allows users to automatically generate PYTHON macros to drive the preprocessing, meshing, setup, simulation, and post-processing […]

Automating CFD Analysis Tasks with PYTHON and HELYX

WEBINAR ON DEMAND Learn how the macro journal features can be used in the meshing, setup, solving, and post-processing steps of a CFD analysis within HELYX. Increase your simulation agility in HELYX by using the built-in macro language based on PYTHON to drive your CFD work within HELYX GUI. Users can record a journal of macro […]

Automating CFD Analysis Tasks with PYTHON and HELYX

Increase simulation agility, improve team efficiency, and reduce costs by automating computer aided engineering (CAE) tasks.  This is especially true for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis tasks, where routine workflows can be systematically analyzed, built into best practices, and refined. These routine tasks are present across industry and can range from:

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