Vehicle Tire Modelling in ELEMENTS

Simulation of tire ground contact pressure using ELEMENTS, showcasing pressure distribution in the tire's contact patch and internal structure.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND In this webinar, we will provide a practical introduction to the different tire models available in ELEMENTS and provide a walk through of how to setup simulations with these different models. Tire treads, rims, and the rotational motion of wheels have a tremendous influence on vehicle aerodynamic performance, both on the road […]

Accurate Wheel Modelling With Generalized Moving Reference Frame (GRF)

WEBINAR ON DEMAND This webinar will discuss a new Generalized Moving Reference Frame (GRF) technology and how it compares to several of these traditional approaches and experimental data. Wheels have a large influence on vehicle aerodynamic performance. As a result, the ability to accurately predict wheel and tire physics is extremely important when engineers and […]

Fan Noise Simulation Using HELYX

Automotive cooling fans are one of the major noise sources within a vehicle and can generate 85dBA at certain frequencies. That’s as loud as a lawn mower or a screaming child. Extended periods above 85dBA can lead to permanent hearing loss. With the average American spending 8.5 hours driving per week, reducing fan noise is […]

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