Vehicle Tire Modelling in ELEMENTS

WEBINAR ON DEMAND In this webinar, we will provide a practical introduction to the different tire models available in ELEMENTS and provide a walk through of how to setup simulations with these different models. Tire treads, rims, and the rotational motion of wheels have a tremendous influence on vehicle aerodynamic performance, both on the road […]
Accurate Wheel Modelling With Generalized Moving Reference Frame (GRF)

WEBINAR ON DEMAND This webinar will discuss a new Generalized Moving Reference Frame (GRF) technology and how it compares to several of these traditional approaches and experimental data. Wheels have a large influence on vehicle aerodynamic performance. As a result, the ability to accurately predict wheel and tire physics is extremely important when engineers and […]
Fan Noise Simulation Using HELYX

Automotive cooling fans are one of the major noise sources within a vehicle and can generate 85dBA at certain frequencies. That’s as loud as a lawn mower or a screaming child. Extended periods above 85dBA can lead to permanent hearing loss. With the average American spending 8.5 hours driving per week, reducing fan noise is […]