Accurate Wheel Modelling With Generalized Moving Reference Frame (GRF)
This webinar will discuss a new Generalized Moving Reference Frame (GRF) technology and how it compares to several of these traditional approaches and experimental data.

Wheels have a large influence on vehicle aerodynamic performance. As a result, the ability to accurately predict wheel and tire physics is extremely important when engineers and designers use these simulation results when making design decisions.
Within the context of CFD simulation, there are several wheel modelling approaches including moving wall velocity boundary conditions, moving reference frame, and using dynamic sliding meshes. Each of these approaches have an associated level of computational cost and level of accuracy.
This webinar will discuss a new Generalized Moving Reference Frame (GRF) technology and how it compares to several of these traditional approaches and experimental data. Finally, you will see how several wheel modelling approaches are setup and simulated within ELEMENTS.