ENGYS sponsors the 9th OpenFOAM Workshop in Zagreb, Croatia

Following last year’s success at the 8th International OPENFOAM® Workshop in South Korea, ENGYS was again the proud Platinum Sponsor of the 9th OpenFOAM Workshop held in Zagreb, Croatia, between June 23rd and 26th (openfoamworkshop.org). The event attracted more than 160 people from all over the World, both from industry and academia.

In the four days of the Workshop ENGYS delivered training sessions on meshing methods and the use of HELYX-OS, an Open Source GUI designed to work with standard OPENFOAM®. In addition to this, ENGYS also presented various papers related to adjoint CFD optimisation, ship hull hydrodynamics analysis and coupled solver technologies. Finally, ENGYS also showcased their main Open Source based CFD product HELYX®, including details of their latest GUI framework, which had an excellent reception within the community.

ENGYS is already looking forward to attending the 2015 Workshop in Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

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