ENGYS is delighted to announce the appointment of its Italian subsidiary ENGYS S.r.l. as a partner of TUGA (Escort Tug Gas Propelled), a research and development project focused on marine technologies funded in Italy by the European Regional Development Fund. All the TUGA project activities are considered a top priority for the Programma Operativo Regionale in Fiuli-Venezia Giulia, Obiettivo «Investimenti a favore della crescita e dell’occupazione» 2014-2020 ovvero l’Asse 1 – “Rafforzare la ricerca, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l’innovazione”, Azione 1.3 – “Sostegno alle attività collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi”.
The TUGA project was officially launched on 1 October 2018 with the aim of designing a new tug concept for trial escort operations in shallow water conditions to deliver improved ship maneuverability. The project activities also involve the drafting of a novel propulsion system based on liquid gas fuel system, which makes the newly designed escort tug concept a cost-effective alternative to the traditional solutions employed at present. In this regard, the layout of the fuel system container will be optimised both in terms of shape and size while meeting all the safety requirements on board.
The escort tug to be designed as part of TUGA will be equipped with a real-time control system software. This software will be able to assess the dynamic equilibrium of the hull body during escort trial operations based on the inputs provided by hydrodynamic and propulsions forces calculated using high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) methods developed by ENGYS and validated using a set of towing tank experiments.
- BUDGET: 937.149,54 €
- PARTNER LIST: Marine Engineering Services (Project Coordinator), ENGYS, Università degli Studi di Trieste
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