HELYX-OS v2.3.1 released by ENGYS®. An open-source GUI for OPENFOAM®.


HELYX-OS v2.3.1 is the latest open-source graphical user interface developed by ENGYS to work with the OpenFOAM CFD library v2.4.0. The code is released to the public for free without formal support or documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License.


This new version of HELYX-OS is an intermediate maintenance release that takes care of several known issues found in previous versions of the GUI. The source code has also been revised to ensure full compliance with third-party copyrights and licenses.



To download the latest HELYX-OS installation file with binaries for Linux, please visit the new GitHub project page at: http://engys.github.io/HELYX-OS. This link substitutes the previous SourceForge project page.


ENGYS also offers to paid support customers a single installer for Microsoft Windows platforms featuring both HELYX-OS v2.3.1 and OpenFOAM v2.4.0. For further information about support packages and training for HELYX-OS and OpenFOAM refer to http://engys.com/services/CFD.

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