Scalable and Accurate Automotive Simulation with ELEMENTS

CFD simulation of airflow over an electric truck, showcasing advanced aerodynamic analysis using ELEMENTS software.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND In this webinar, we provide a practical introduction to ELEMENTS’ capabilities related to external aerodynamics evaluation and performing higher-fidelity aero-thermal simulations for complex automotive cases. Automotive designers and engineers routinely use automotive simulation to better understand a vehicle’s performance in order to go to market faster; find issues earlier; and leverage virtual […]

Simulation Studies with PYTHON and ELEMENTS

A motorbike CFD simulation showcasing aerodynamic flow analysis, enhanced with Python scripting integration for automated workflows in ELEMENTS.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND In this webinar, we will cover advanced workflow and simulation approaches using PYTHON and ELEMENTS. Process automation with PYTHON can further enhance ELEMENTS as a simulation suite and allow for complex coupling with complementary software. ELEMENTS allows users to automatically generate PYTHON macros to drive the preprocessing, meshing, setup, simulation, and post-processing […]

Aerothermal Simulation with ELEMENTS

Vehicle thermal management simulation using ELEMENTS software

WEBINAR ON-DEMAND In this webinar, we introduce key concepts of an aerothermal simulation and users will be given a walk through of the simulation setup and execution. Vehicles require effective thermal management to prolong the lifetime of the vehicle and also improve it’s performance under operation. To assess this, aerodynamics simulation is often coupled with […]

Machine Learning for Accelerated Aero-Thermal Design in the Age of Electromobility

CFD simulation of aero-thermal flow over an electric vehicle, highlighting pressure and velocity contours.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND Eugene de Villiers presents the work by ENGYS developers and engineers within the UPSCALE project and how that relates to future improvements in Aero-Thermal design in the automotive industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI) coupled with traditional Compute Aided Engineering (CAE) tools provide the potential of transforming the engineering design process. This is one […]

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