Porous Media Modelling with HELYX

CFD simulation showcasing flow and heat transfer through porous media using HELYX software for advanced modelling techniques.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND This webinar provides a practical introduction to porous media models in the volume and at boundaries. Complex or small structures can be difficult to mesh and we often need to use a porous media modelling approach to capture the momentum changes (pressure drop).  This approach can help us represent screens, filters, radiator […]

Incompressible Flow Simulation with HELYX

CFD simulation of incompressible flow through a complex piping system, showcasing velocity and streamline distribution.

WEBINAR ON-DEMAND As part of our “Learn by Example” webinar series, this session provides a practical introduction to HELYX and walk through the process of setting up an incompressible flow simulation. In industries ranging from automotive and aerospace to energy and environmental engineering, incompressible flow simulations play a critical role in optimizing designs, improving performance, and ensuring […]

Saving Energy and Reducing Faucet Pressure Losses with Continuous Adjoint Optimization

pressure plots within a DOCOL valve

In the United States alone, individuals use an average of 88 gallons of water a day within their home [1].  Delivering that tremendous quantity of water involves a complex system of valves, pumps, and piping systems, each with their own engineer problems to solve. Conservation of potable water and reduction in energy usage to deliver […]

Simulating Transient Flow in a Closing Butterfly Valve

How do flow patterns and forces in a butterfly valve change during transient operation? This might be a question that you, as an engineer, need to answer during your design and operation of a valve.  There are many questions that need to be answered to obtain a complete picture of the valve’s performance characteristics, but […]

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