ENGYS is proud to announce the appointment of its Italian subsidiary ENGYS S.r.l. as a partner of PRELICA (Metodologie avanzate per la progettazione idro-acustica dell’elica navale), a research and development project focused on marine technologies and funded in Italy by the European Regional Development Fund. All the PRELICA project activities are considered a top priority for the Programma Operativo Regionale in Fiuli-Venezia Giulia, Obiettivo «Investimenti a favore della crescita e dell’occupazione» 2014-2020 ovvero l’Asse 1 – “Rafforzare la ricerca, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l’innovazione”, Azione 1.3 – “Sostegno alle attività collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi”.
The reduction of hydro-acoustic emissions caused by ship propellers plays an important role in naval engineering, as a way to enhance passenger comfort and minimise the environmental impact caused by ships during operation. In this regard, hydrodynamic noise has been widely investigated for aerospace applications, whereas much research work is still left to be done for underwater noise applications. In fact, there are no validated or effective tools for prediction of underwater noise available at present. The current numerical methods used for design are not sufficiently reliable, since these are not able to accurately predict the complete spectrum of noise signals and they can only describe the pressure field induced by the interaction between the fluid and the propeller blade surfaces, while omitting a full representation of the frequencies induced by the flow field in the wake region downstream of the propeller.
The PRELICA project started on 1 May 2017 with the goal of reducing hydro-acoustic emissions induced by ship propulsion systems. For this purpose, a new simulation strategy will be developed in order to predict the broadband noise propagated by ship propellers using a combination of potential flow, RANS and LES methods, advanced numerical and computational models, and complex optimisation algorithms.
- BUDGET: 1.004.401,71 €
Click here to download the project’s poster.
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