ENGYS releases HELYX v1.0.3


ENGYS is delighted to announce the release of HELYX® v1.0.3, consisting of a new maintenance version of HELYX GUI. The new GUI is designed to work with the latest HELYX Kernel based on ENGYS' own enhanced version of the OPENFOAM® library.


HELYX® v1.0.3 represents the last maintenance release of our current GUI platform before the launch of a completely new GUI layout in HELYX® v2.0.0 later this year. HELYX® v2.0.0 was introduced and showcased last month in both South Korea and Japan, receiving very positive reactions from industry and academia at the 8th International OPENFOAM® Workshop (Jeju), CAE-Solution & VINAS seminar series (Tokyo and Kobe) and OpenCAE Meeting (Tokyo). HELYX® v2.0.0 will be available in both Windows and LINUX and will incorporate a vast number of improvements in terms of capabilities and ease-of-use to bring the power of open source CAE tools closer to industry.


For further information about HELYX® features and availability please visit our dedicated HELYX webpage<span line-height:="" 1.1em;"="">.

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