Porous Media Modelling with HELYX

CFD simulation showcasing flow and heat transfer through porous media using HELYX software for advanced modelling techniques.

WEBINAR ON DEMAND This webinar provides a practical introduction to porous media models in the volume and at boundaries. Complex or small structures can be difficult to mesh and we often need to use a porous media modelling approach to capture the momentum changes (pressure drop).  This approach can help us represent screens, filters, radiator […]

Simulating Conjugate Heat Transfer Multiphysics With HELYX

In real world flows, we often see combined modes of transport phenomena in which momentum + heat transport occurs simultaneously within and between fluid and solid regions.  Systems that involve thermal energy transport within multiple fluid and/or solid regions, and possess energy exchange at the defined interface of the domains, are often called called conjugate […]

Simulating Transient Flow in a Closing Butterfly Valve

How do flow patterns and forces in a butterfly valve change during transient operation? This might be a question that you, as an engineer, need to answer during your design and operation of a valve.  There are many questions that need to be answered to obtain a complete picture of the valve’s performance characteristics, but […]

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